Contact Us
If you have any wildlife, pest, or rodent issues, get in touch with one of our representatives and we’ll have a technician come out to service your needs. We take all inquiries over the phone, from inspections to pricing, and service. Be sure to call our office at (646) 935-9889
8928 250th St, Bellerose, NY 11426
For Faster Service Call:
(646) 935-9889
*Quotes over the phone are not always accurate due to potential change in findings from our on-site technicians.
We can only give pricing estimates over the phone.
Most clients want clearly stated prices but unfortunately, pricing in the wildlife control industry is never simple as each situation is unique. Our professional wildlife technicians emphasize the need for specific details in each situation because each situation is different, and each animal is different. Determining clear cut pricing for squirrel removal won’t be the same as removing a raccoon or an opossum due to their potentially aggressive nature that can pose more risks. Removing a few bats versus a colony of bats that have been dueling in your attic for a long time can’t be handled in the same manner as the first two scenarios. It all depends on your specific situation. In summary, keep in mind that when you call us for pricing, it will most likely be an estimate. Give us a call at (646) 935-9889, describe your problem in detail, and we’ll give you a price estimate over the phone. You can then schedule an appointment, however, if the job turns out to be complicated, we won’t be able to quote you a price until one of our technicians completes a thorough on-site inspection of your affected area.

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